Hello world! My name's Joanna, I'm a 22 year old graduate and a lifelong tomboy.
I will never be a girly girl. I prefer the look of short nails, I like to buy boy's clothes from Primark, I get lazy with my skincare and haircare, and I get on best with boys. However, I recently developed somewhat of an obsession with beauty, partly due to a bit of heartbreak and mostly because of beauty channels I've been watching on YouTube (I'll list my favourites at the bottom). I've been gradually expanding my knowledge, discovering tricks and methods I never knew, products I'd never even heard of, and sneaky little secrets for making myself look better.
The only problem with this new obsession is that I am very poor at the moment. As I said above, I'm a graduate, but I'm also going to be a student again in September, starting an MA. I haven't managed to get a job this summer so I'm sinking further and further into my overdraft... and yet keep buying cosmetics and toiletries. So as well as talking about my transition from tomboy to girly, I will also be talking about the bargains I find, and discussing which cheaper products are worth buying and which are not.
I apologise for the differing name of the URL to the title by the way, someone had already taken the title and not used it - boo!
My favourite YouTube beauty girls:
Gemma - Gem's Maquillage
Ingrid - Miss Glamorazzi
Fleur - FleurDeForce
The HILARIOUS Nikki :) - NikkiPhillippi
Sara - SWalkerMakeup
Tanya - Pixi2Woo/Tanya Burr
Barbara - The Persian Babe
Lou - Sprinkle of Glitter
Zoe - Zoella
Allison - Amarixe
And of course YouTube's wonderful beauty man - Jim - j1mmyb0bba :)
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